This XY high-precision-positioner is designed and fabricated at the Robotics Lab. It uses a flexural mechanism and piezo-stacks to provide a working space of 120*120 micro-meter. For my project, I had to model and control this stage, and to do so, I followed the following steps:
A model for the flexural mechanism was developed:
The mechanism was modeled in the Comsol Multi-physics.
A LTI system of order 21 was proposed for the stage.
The parameters of the proposed system were identified.
The hysteresis and the creep were modeled.
The experimental results verified these models, and uncertainties were incorporated.
A robust controller, as well as a PID controller, were designed.
The controllers were discretized.
The performance of the closed-loop system was studied.
Designed and fabricated in Robotics Lab, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Supervisor: Dr. Nejat, Special thanks to Mr. Nejati.
Bayat S., Heravi M., Nejat H., Salarieh H. 2018. Dynamical Modeling of an XY High-Precision-Positioner with Flexural Mechanism by the Genetic Algorithm. Modares Mechanical Engineering 18 (4): 662–666.
Heravi M., Nejat Pishkenari H., Salarieh H. 2016. Dynamical modeling and control of an XY high-precision-positioner using simulink. Yazd, Iran.