M.Sc. Project

This XY high-precision-positioner is designed and fabricated at the Robotics Lab. It uses a flexural mechanism and piezo-stacks to provide a working space of 120*120 micro-meter.
For my project, I had to model and control this stage, and to do so, I followed the following steps:

  • A model for the flexural mechanism was developed:
    • The mechanism was modeled in the Comsol Multi-physics.
    • A LTI system of order 21 was proposed for the stage.
    • The parameters of the proposed system were identified.
  • The hysteresis and the creep were modeled.
  • The experimental results verified these models, and uncertainties were incorporated.
  • A robust controller, as well as a PID controller, were designed.
  • The controllers were discretized.
  • The performance of the closed-loop system was studied.

Designed and fabricated in Robotics Lab, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Supervisor: Dr. Nejat, Special thanks to Mr. Nejati.

Related Papers:

Bayat S., Heravi M., Nejat H., Salarieh H. 2018. Dynamical Modeling of an XY High-Precision-Positioner with Flexural Mechanism by the Genetic Algorithm. Modares Mechanical Engineering 18 (4): 662–666.
Heravi M., Nejat Pishkenari H., Salarieh H. 2016. Dynamical modeling and control of an XY high-precision-positioner using simulink. Yazd, Iran.