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Bayat S., Heravi M., Nejat H., Salarieh H. 2018. Dynamical Modeling of an XY High-Precision-Positioner with Flexural Mechanism by the Genetic Algorithm. Modares Mechanical Engineering 18 (4): 662–666.

Journals-In Preparation

Heravi M., Nejat Pishkenari H., Salarieh H. Dynamical Modeling and Robust Control of a Novel XY High-Precision-Positioner.
Baselizadeh A., Heravi M. Reinforcement Learning-Based Adaptive PID Control of a MIMO Prosthetic Hand Finger: A Compuer Simulaion Study.


Soleimani M. ali, Zohoor H., Fallah Yakhdoni A.R., et al. 2019. Designing, Prototyping, and Controlling a Portable Rehabilitation Robot for the Shoulder Physiotherapy and Training. The 7th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics. IEEE, Tehran, Iran.
Heravi M., Nejat Pishkenari H., Salarieh H. 2016. Dynamical modeling and control of an XY high-precision-positioner using simulink. Yazd, Iran.